Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How we got engaged

We went to California for a day for my uncle's wedding.  We stayed at a hotel in Anaheim right across from Disneyland.  My boyfriend said he was planning on proposing out there but it was raining and foggy.  So, we just ended up driving back home in AZ.  Once we arrived, my boyfriend called me and wanted me to open a gift he got for me underneath our Christmas tree.  I found a box with the M&M logo on it.  He knows it's my favorite because of my initials MMM.  Every time he would travel he would bring me back little M&M figurines.  I have a whole bag full!  So, he threw me a curve ball, I did not expect what was to come at all.  I opened the box to find little M&M's with ASU colors, pictures of us, a funny one of him from our iChat, "I love you" & "Will you marry me?" all over them! Looked at him stunned, as he got on one knee to propose.  Tears started rolling down my eyes. He started shaking. He pulled out this beautiful sparkly ring that he picked out. :'D I said YES of course and gave him a huge hug and kiss.  I couldn't believe it.  We had talked about getting married but I didn't know when or if he would actually propose to me.  It was really happening! 

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